Sunday, January 20, 2008

Hormonal Teenage Boys

I am still waiting for the flood of entries of amazingly funny, scary and offensive cat call stories to come into my inbox. I am just not getting enough of my own on a daily basis to make my point here. I did walk by a construction site on my street the other day and got a classic, "Hi there, beautiful!" Not exactly offensive but still uncomfortable.

I am thinking of renaming this blog "Uncomfortable Moments in NYC". I was coming home from seeing a friend's show in Brooklyn last night and, after having one too many drinks at the friendly, neighborhood gay bar, I hopped on the L train back into Manhattan. Now, I remember from years of living in Jersey City, people pitying me for having to take the Path train back late at night and how the NYC subway is SOOOO much better. Its all bullshit! They both suck! The L train came within about 10 minutes but then it just sat there in the station for another 20!!!

I had the unfortunate experience of grabbing a seat right in the middle of a group of horny teenage boys. I had one kid on the left (claiming to be 21) telling me in detail how beautiful my eyes were and one kid on my right asking me out to dinner. I can only imagine where he would take me - Taco Bell? I told him no. He asked why. I lied and said I had a boyfriend. He said, "what does that have to do with us?" WTF!? There was no stopping him. Across from me were three 15-year-olds gazing in admiration at their ballsy, older friends. When they first asked me how old I was, I said they didn't want to know. By the end of the conversation, I was practically screaming to the whole train, "Listen, I can't go out with you, I'm thirty. I'm THIR-TY!!!!

My phone slipped out of my coat pocket and clanked on the hard subway seat. The guy to my left picked it up and handed it to me while the other laughed and said, "he could have just stolen it - ha ha!!!". I was looking all over the place making sure I had gotten on the right train. The only thing that could make this experience worse is if I had gotten on a Brooklyn bound train. Luckily, I had not and I bolted off the train as soon as it stopped in Manhattan. A 45 minute train ride for only two stops!!!

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